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A place that encourages anyone on a self-love journey to foster confidence from within.

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Category: Blog

Crying is a Form of Self-Care

The act of crying gets a bad rep in our society. Many are taught that it’s a sign of weakness and we’re told to toughen up.  Sure, there are times when we want (or need) to put on a brave Read more…

Move Past Fear Into Your Next Chapter…Even While You’re Still Afraid

Fear is an emotion that every person experiences at some point in their life. Fear is also an emotion that is hard to fully get rid of. It may go away for a time, but it’s sneaky and somehow finds Read more…

5 Ways to Deal with Negative Self-Talk

Hi there! I’m Sarah, creator of the blog Proud Happy Brave and I’m so excited to be here!!  I love the message behind the I Am Confidently Me blog and think that Deena has a knack for sharing her message Read more…

What 2018 Taught Me About Confidence

You know how when you declare something to the universe, it throws it right back at you to see what you’re truly made of? That’s what I experienced in 2018. I launched this blog and made writing about loving oneself Read more…

How To Love Your Flaws

Hey guys, I want to start off by saying I’m so excited to be featured on the I Am Confidently Me Blog! Today, I want to talk about the importance of loving your flaws and what that means for your Read more…

Confidence Boost: 7 Tips to Uplift Yourself When You’re Feeling Down

We all have those days when we’re feeling down about ourselves and our confidence is lower than usual.  It can be difficult to lift ourselves back up, especially when we’ve experienced a change that has impacted us.  I’ve been experiencing Read more…

I Should Be…But I’m Not

How many of you have ever thought or said any of the following to yourself? “I should be more _____.” “Why can’t I be a _____ person?” “I wish I could be less ______.” *slowly raises hand* I would imagine Read more…

My Confidence Journey

I have always been a child with a big personality. I loved to laugh. I loved to dance. I loved eating sweets and had a big smile. I loved to wear sweats, and I loved dressing up. And yes, I’ve Read more…